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  • Maria Schneider

A Family Journey Through Japan on the Sunrise Express

Maria Schneider from Köln, Germany

This summer, my husband and I, along with our two sons (aged 10 and 12), finally made the long-awaited trip to Japan. We had heard so much about this fascinating country, with its unique blend of tradition and modernity, and our boys had been excited for months—especially about the trains. My sons are true train enthusiasts, and for them, the idea of traveling on Japan's famous Sunrise Express was nothing short of a dream.

Our family started our journey in Hiroshima, where we visited the Peace Memorial Museum. It was a sobering experience, but I believe it is important for our children to understand history and its lessons. From Hiroshima, we took the Shinkansen to Okayama, which in itself was an adventure for our boys. The speed of the bullet train amazed them, and they could hardly contain their excitement as we got closer to Okayama, where we would finally board the Sunrise Express bound for Tokyo.

When we arrived at Okayama Station, the sight of the sleek, beautiful Sunrise Express waiting at the platform made my sons’ eyes light up with joy. I’ll never forget their excitement when we showed them their sleeping spaces for the night. We had reserved a family compartment, which gave us some privacy and the chance to relax together before the long journey ahead. Seeing how thrilled they were made every bit of planning worth it.

Of course, a trip like this doesn’t just fall into place by itself. Navigating Japan’s complex rail system can be a bit overwhelming, especially when traveling with children. Thankfully, we had some help along the way. I’m not usually one to sing praises in a blog, but the assistance we received beforehand in securing our tickets was very helpful. It’s not always easy to know how to book such a unique experience when you’re coming from abroad, but it all worked out wonderfully in the end.

The Sunrise Seto and the Izumo couples at Okayama Station as pictured above. Very exciting for my sons!

The night on the train was a truly unique experience. As we settled in and the train glided out of Okayama, we marveled at the twinkling city lights before slipping into the peaceful quiet of the countryside. The gentle motion of the train lulled us all to sleep, and the next morning we woke up just outside of Tokyo. My sons spent much of the night watching the scenery pass by from our compartment window. They found it hard to sleep, but in the best possible way—too excited by the fact that they were finally on the Sunrise Express.

Our journey didn't just begin and end with the train. Prior to Hiroshima, we spent time exploring Kyoto and Osaka. The contrast between the ancient temples and shrines of Kyoto and the vibrant, bustling streets of Osaka fascinated all of us. We wandered through the Fushimi Inari Shrine, taking in the beautiful red torii gates, and then enjoyed some of the best food we’ve ever had in Osaka, from delicious takoyaki to okonomiyaki. Japan is such a rich country with so much to offer that every day felt like a new adventure.

By the time we arrived in Tokyo, the Sunrise Express had added yet another layer to our incredible family journey. Our boys couldn’t stop talking about the train, and for days afterward, they would bring it up whenever they saw another train pass by. For them, it was the highlight of the trip, and for us, it was a peaceful way to see a different side of Japan while also making our way to the bustling capital.

Tokyo Station in the morning - bustling with commuters!

I can’t recommend Japan enough as a family destination. The mixture of culture, history, and modern attractions kept us all entertained, from the youngest to the oldest. And if you have children who, like ours, are fascinated by trains, then the Sunrise Express is a must-do. It’s not just a way to get from one place to another; it’s an experience in itself. We left Japan with full hearts and wonderful memories, and we already look forward to returning one day.

Safe travels to anyone planning a similar adventure!

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